Yessssss…. Girls watch out! There IS an alternative for Botox und hyaluronic acid or “dignified aging”;-)
Oh how I had forgotten about it…. the interrupted nights and the little sleep that come along with a newborn baby 🙂
Although our little sunshine is reeeeally uncomplicated and requires little attention, my sleep pensum is reduced anyway. The time for myself having two kids – including the time for my beauty routine – as well. Thus, I needed new, more effective beauty weapons making me looking radiant and fresh in the morning anyway !
Nina alias Frau Mutter hat kürzlich auf Ihrem Blog die Blogparade “Eine schöne Mama – das große Beauty-Interview mit…..” ins Leben gerufen, bei der Sie unterschiedliche Mütter zum Thema Schönheit und deren Einstellung dazu befragt. Auch Greta von Kids-and-Couture wurde von Nina interviewt und hat hier Rede und Antwort gestanden.
Da Nina selbst eine so tolle Powerfrau und Mutter ist, hat uns natürlich im Umkehrschluss Ihre Einstellung zum Thema Schönheit und Ihre Beauty-Tipps interessiert. Und daher haben wir Sie hier für euch interviewt. …
As part of our series with secret tips for mommies and soon-to-be-moms we want to reveal another favorite product for stressed and troubled skin during pregnancy.
Many expecting mothers suffer from the effects of the hormonal changes during pregnancy. Not every women gets the often promised glowing skin, healthy and full hair and beautiful teint. The opposite is often reality: many women fight with suddenly very sensitive, dry skin with many blemishes. Produts, that worked so far with no problems, suddenly cause a tight skin feeling or provoque blemishes.
Thats excatly why the skincare brand Mio Skincare developped the series Mama Mio, with products like the amazing “GORGEOUS GLOW” balancing facial wash. It calms and balances troubled irritated skin, prevents blemishes while still cleaining the skin from make-up throughly. Without leaving a tight skin feeling.
CONCLUSION: We simply love it!
Today’s Sunday inspiration is especially for all moms and expectaning mothers, who often miss out due to the care for the dear little ones or preparing for the soon-to-be-born generation.
There now is MAMA SPA in Stuttgart.
Finally a Day Spa concept that addresses the needs of pregnant women and mothers with special, one-of-a-kind offerings.