A dream of a kids room in white and pastel colors. Seen at August Pfüller in Frankfurt these pics give you some great ideas and inspiration on who you could furnish your kid’s room.
The two Dutch brands Joolz und Fab. from the heart of Amsterdam just simply couldn’t resist creating a hearty and sparkling pushchair together:
Endlich ist es soweit, die fünfte Jahreszeit in Bayern ist angebrochen und nun dreht sich erst einmal alles um Dirndl, Lederhosen und co. Auch die Kleinsten wollen dazugehören und gehen natürlich zünftig in Dirndl oder Lederhosen auf das Oktoberfest.
One of the most important thing I learnt quite quickly as a new mother was that I can only be a good mom when I have a moment for myself from time to time – to relax, to get some distance, to clear up my mind. Before the baby, I would have thought of a wellness weekend but today I am already happy with an hour for just myself. Then I can get through the mommy day with much more energy and look so much more forward to seeing my little angel.
Hence my recommendation to you: Ask the daddys, grandparents, godfathers /- mother or friends of this world for their support and get some time off for you at least one hour a week (if you negotiate for more, good for you :)) . I recommend you start searching directly for a relaxing café or book a pedicure – that works wonders.
Nicht nur große Girls lieben sie, Ballerinas sind die wohl beste Erfindung des Fashionuniversums. Sie sind lässig, bequem und ultra chic. Stylisch kombiniert mit Leggings oder skinny Jeans, machen sie aus Mammi und Baby wahre Fashionistas.