Lifestyle, Product recommendation, Trendwatch

Love at first sight: New colors for Stokke Tripp Trapp.

by on September 24th 2015 Tags: , , , , , , , , ,

Tripp Trapp highchair Soft Pink in setting

Whoa, when we heard that Stokke has created two new colours for their Tripp-Trapp highchairs we were really excited to see what they would look like.

  And we have to say that we did love them at first sight.

Get outside, Kids room

Offroad with the Joolz Geo

by on September 23rd 2015 Tags: , , ,

“Is this really a stroller in the middle of the flower field ..?” people asked when passing by and discovering us with our Joolz Geo while cutting flowers.


“Well sure, why not?”

Thanks to the robust wheels the Joolz GEO is a stroller that is “off-road” extremely manoeuvrable and therefore can be easily pushed through the flower field without any problems 🙂
The thick rear wheels and the good weight distribution ensure that the stroller does not get stuck. Doesn’t it look just super stylish, in the middle of the flower variety


Stroller: GEO from JOOLZ

Pippas Outfit: Swinging dress by Lauren Moshi

Diaper bag: Double Bag by Prada



Get outside, Fashion

Fashion Friday: Autumn is coming with Marie-Chantal and Catya.

by on September 19th 2015 Tags: , , , , ,

Autumn is comingIn fog the world is still at rest
The woods and fields dream on:
Soon you will see, when the veil falls,
The blue heaven in all its splendor,
And a misty world in bold autumn colors
Flowing forth in molten gold.

Get outside, Stroller, Lifestyle

Autumn must-have: The new Stokke Style Kits Olive and Burgundy.

by on September 18th 2015 Tags: , , , , , , , , , ,


Question of the day: How many strollers are you allowed to call your own?

Well, we would say that a family can never have enough strollers. Wouldn´t it be great to have one for every occasion, for every outfit and for every season?

Ok, ok, we know that this is not really possible, but hey, let´s go on dreaming. Or, even easier: We pimp our strollers with some nice accessories. 

For example with the latest Stokke Style Kits in Olive and Burgundy.

Get outside, Stroller, Games & Fun

Unser neuer Outdoor-Begleiter

by on September 5th 2015 Tags: , , , , ,

Einfach perfekt als Begleiter für alle Outdoor-Abenteuer: Das Junior Kinderwasser in der putzigen Mini-Flasche von Vöslauer.

Ob im Kindergarten, beim Picknick oder jederzeit griffbereit im Flaschenhalter unseres Joolz Kinderwagens – die fröhlichen Flaschen mit Raffi, Quasti und Mr. Lippo machen Freude am Trinken und motivieren somit die Kids, auf ihr Flüssigkeitspensum am Tag zu kommen.


Wie oft fällt es schwer, unsere Kleinen in der Eifer des Spiels und bei all der herrlichen Ablenkung ans Trinken zu erinnern. Und wie häufig geht die Diskussion darum, warum der liebe Nachwuchs doch lieber Wasser statt klebrige Limonade zu trinken bekommt – dank der handlichen Fläschen in den knalligen Farben bekommen zumindest meine Kids Lust aufs Trinken und greifen auch ohne meine Erinnerung beherzt zur Flasche.


Auslaufsicher und mit wiederverschließbarem Deckel sind die Flaschen ideal für den Einsatz in Schule, Kindergarten oder auf dem Spielplatz abgestimmt.



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