Get outside, Fashion

Sunday Inspiration: Sneaker Power.

by on March 30th 2014 Tags: ,

Sneaker Power by New Balance

There can´t be a life without sneakers.


Bow and wow by Il Gufo.

by on March 29th 2014 Tags:

Bow and wow by Il Gufo

Bows, bows, bows – and Stripes! That is the current collection by Il Gufo!


Label Lovely: French chic with Rykiel Enfant.

by on March 26th 2014 Tags: ,

Rykiel-enfant 600x400

Like mother, like daughter… Home at the Rykiels, all family members are really up to fashion.

Get outside, For grown-up girls, Lifestyle, Games & Fun

Sunday Inspiration: The perfect mother-child-café in Malmö.

by on March 23rd 2014 Tags: , , , ,


Today we are happy to present you a new part of our series “Searching for the perfect mother-child-café”. Therefore we have come to Sweden, to the wonderful city Malmö, to which the Berlin born mother and blogger Peggy from the lovely blog Paul & Paula moved with her family in August 2013. After more than half a year in Malmö, she saw a lot of nice cafés, but this one is her favourite.


Fashion Friday: Viva la Fendi.

by on March 21st 2014 Tags: ,


Ok, we shouldn´t say this again, but we just have to: There isn´t much that can top Italian design. Best example: Fendi.