
Sunday Inspiration: Red, red, red are all my dresses!

by on December 29th 2013 Tags: , , ,

Red red red are all my dresses

Now it´s getting colourful in here! Considering the fact,  that we didn´t see snowflakes or the sun the last days (we were hoping for great Christmas weather), we decided to bring some colour in our lifes.


Sunday Inspiration: We love 60s style!

by on December 22nd 2013 Tags: , ,

We love 60s style by kids-and-couture

I got the hippy hippy shake… I’ve got to shake… Woh the hippy hippy shake…

Yeah! We are happy to announce that the 60s are back – thanks to Il Gufo! The Italians created  a wonderful outfit, with which we fell in love at once.

Fashion, Weihnachten

Fashion Friday: Cosy times with Oscar et Valentine.

by on December 20th 2013 Tags: , , , ,

Cosy times by kids-and-couture

When the year is nearly over, we just want to lay down on the couch and watch some nice movies. Mum, dad, children – all together. This is soooo cosy. That´s why our Fashion Friday  is all about snugness today!


Item of the week: We love velvet trousers!

by on December 17th 2013 Tags: , , , ,

Fashion for boys by kids-and-couture

Today, our “Item of the week”  is all about boys and these wonderful velvet trousers by Fendi. We combine it with a trendy slipover by Il Gufo, a cosy jumper by Aston Martin or a check shirt. Perfect outfit for the last days of school. 

Fashion, Weihnachten

Sunday Inspiration: The perfect Christmas dress.

by on December 15th 2013 Tags: , , , ,

The perfect Christmas outfit


Dear mommys, dear dads, it´s Sunday the 15th of Decembre, only nine days till Christmas. What are your little darlings going to wear on this special day? It´s got to be dressy, because grandma and grandpa should be satisfied and it should be casual, so that your little daughter can wear it all evening long without trying to put it off.