Fashion, Mini-Me Styling, Games & Fun

Teddy and I!

by on October 21st 2013 Tags: , , , , , , ,

Nicht ohne meinen Teddy

Pippa is in nursery school now and her very first day was a real event. To be honest: Mom and Da were even more excited than their daughter, but hey.. it´s totaly understandable. Because it was a special occassion, Pippa wore one of her favorite dresses. 

Get outside, Stroller, Lifestyle, Games & Fun

Sunday Inspiration: Autumn-times with Joolz

by on October 20th 2013 Tags: , , , ,

Joolz I

It´s autumn-time and – to be honest – we are a little bit unhappy about that. No sitting in the garden in the evenings, no quality time on the playground…Don´t worry! Our favorite stroller-company “Joolz” has come up with something really nice to make us feel better again…

Fashion, Gifts

Fashion Friday: Looking for cute romper suits!

by on October 18th 2013 Tags: , , , , , ,

Looking for cute romper suits

When friends are having a baby it´s all joy and happiness. But then there is a big question: What are we going to give as a present? No worries, we already picked some really nice and extravagant romper suits. 

Fashion, Mini-Me Styling

Fashion Friday: School girls look in Fendi

by on Tags: , , ,

 FendiSneakerIt is soooo hard to find stylish and yet sturdy sneakers for kindergarten or school!

Therefore, these highly fashionable sneakers from Fendi kids come just right.

Fashion, Lifestyle, Mini-Me Styling

Throw-back-Thursday: Fashion Check Frequent TravellerBaby

by on October 17th 2013 Tags: , ,

Fall time is travelling time – little sweetheart does not renounce on her style when travelling!