Get outside, Fashion, Gifts

Tootsy Thursday: Walking with the mouse…

by on July 4th 2013 Tags: , ,


Children wearing a mouse on the feet? Where do these sweet shoes come from? We have a hint for you: The inhabitants of this country are more known for koalas than for mice…

Education , Gifts

Label Lovely: Have fun eating.

by on July 2nd 2013 Tags:


“Mummy, I don´t like soup, can´t I have chocolate?”

Don´t worry, you will never ever hear this sentence again. We promise!

Get outside

Sunday Inspiration: Looking for the perfect café.

by on June 30th 2013 Tags: , , ,

28145_10151493325184749_2013647276_nThis Sunday we are going on a mission. We start our search for the perfect Motter-child-Café. This hunt will bring us to places all over the world, from Germany and Switzerland over Sweden to the USA. What are we looking for?

We want to find cafés with a nice atmosphere, with enough space for children, with owners, staff and other guests who are glad to see children and don´t start to roll their eyes when they see mums with strollers walk in. We are looking for really good coffee, that helps every exhausted mum to finish the day and for the best cake.

Does anything like this really exist? It does! Great bloggers all over the world gave us hints. In the next weeks and months we are going to present cafés which are worth visiting.

Today we hear about Graz and Wien. The Austrian bloggers and mothers Daniela and Martina from “Die kleine Botin” tell us where they like to go with their kids.

Get outside, Fashion, Travel

Fashion Friday: Cool sun hats for hot days!

by on June 28th 2013 Tags: , , , , , ,

Some days ago Katherine Heigls daughter Adelaide Marie showed the latest summertrend via Facebook:

                                                                                          Don´t forget your sun hat!


Get outside, Fashion, Travel

Tootsy Thursday: The perfect flip-flops!

by on June 27th 2013 Tags: , , ,


Did you ever love your shoes so much, that you just wanted to eat them? As you can see, Pippa does. She really seems to like her Flip-Flops by Havaianas – and we can totaly understand her.