
Fashion Friday: Yes, I do!

by on May 24th 2013 Tags:


It´s well proved that in May most couples get married. Nearly once a month one of your friends is saying “Yes” and of course this is wonderful, but it´s also stress (you would never say this in public, but if we are already talking about that..). The reason is simple: It´s not easy to find the perfect outfit and it´s even more difficult when the daughters are growing up and want to have fancy dresses (“Mom, I am not five any more!”)


Tootsy Thursday: Amore mio!

by on May 23rd 2013 Tags: ,


“This is so cute!!!!” It was love at first sight when we saw these pretty shoes from the Italian brand “Sonatina”. Hand-sewn, made out of leather, they fit perfect on childrens feet. Some people claim that Italians are not able to vote – might be true, but they are definitely able to make fashion. The shoes are awesome: With flowerprints and  small bows made out of tulle for the young ladies and dandy-like shoes for the young gentlemen.

Of course the kids  grew up so fast and soon they can´t wear these cute shoes anymore, but doesn´t any mom keep the first shoes of her baby in the wardrobe? As a memory of the good old times when her child used to be a sweet little angle and not the pubescent little devil it is today.


Get outside, Stroller, Lifestyle, Travel

Label Lovelies: The perfect baby stroller

by on May 21st 2013 Tags: ,


Finally the summer is there and it´s time to take a long walk. Especially for this, the Dutch company “Joolz” (in fact one of our favourite designers for baby-strollers) invented the perfect accessories for hot days.


Sunday Inspiration: Cooking with kids

by on May 19th 2013 Tags: ,


Mummy, this does not taste good!!”

“Dad, this is bah, I do not eat this.”

Then they are starting to cry.

Yes, these sentences can exasperate mums and dads and make them wanna shout out loud and loose the appetite. Amanda Grant must probably had similar experiences when she decided to write cookbooks for children. The idea: let the children cook to make them eat. With recipes appropriate for children she wants to ameliorate the mood at the dining table.

And this works perfectly with pizza, pasta, lasagna and bruschetta.

And then, hopefully, after a few weeks of practise in the kitchen your son or daughter soon maybe says: “Mummy, dad, food is ready!”


Get outside, Fashion

Fashion Friday: We love parrots!

by on May 17th 2013 Tags:


Stella McCartney is known for her clean, unpretentious, timeless and of course most beatiful fashion – and this is not only for adults but also for kids. The prints are allowed to be more kittenish: It seems as if Stella McCartney fell in love with parrots.