Gifts, Kids room, Pregnancy & Birth

Sunday Inspiration: a touch of luxury for the nursery with Hermès

by on March 3rd 2013 Tags: , ,

It’s not glamorous? Hermy- the €400 Hermès plush horse !

Somehow, everyone seems now to be at the age where we eagerly start breeding. Constantly I am invited to a friend’s Babyshower and it is just incredible fun to buy lavish gifts in anticipation of the soon coming new earthling.

Beauty, Fashion, For grown-up girls

Label Lovelies: Luxury feeling at home, thanks to Beaumont & Brown

by on February 12th 2013 Tags: , ,

Do you know these holiday situations where you would simply loooove to grab the wonderfully cozy bathrobes of hotel and put them into your own suitcase taking home the heavenly feeling of a wellness vacation?

No longer necessary to become a thief 🙂

For grown-up girls, Gifts

Reading reco: Toys for girls

by on September 5th 2012 Tags: , , ,

Endlich mal ein Buch für große Mädchen 🙂

Gibt’s zwar schon eine Weile auf dem Markt, aber ich hab’s erst im letzten Urlaub geschafft, endlich reinzuschauen:

Patrice Farameh’s Toys for Girls zeigt viele schöööne Dinge, die die Herzen von kleinen und großen Mädchen höher schlafen lassen.

Unser Favorit ist der

Geburtstagskuchen-Koffer von Louis Vuitton !