Modebloggerin und Fashionista Lena Terlutter ist ein absolutes Vorbild wenn es um Liftstyle und guten Geschmack geht. Die schöne Brünette, die auch als Model arbeitet, ist Mama einer kleinen Fashion-Maus und aktuell schwanger mit dem zweiten Kind, welches ebenfalls ein Mädchen wird. Ein perfektes Fashion-Trio also, das mit seinem besonderen Händchen und Geschmack durch unser Sortiment gestöbert und nur die niedlichsten Sachen von Chloé, Love in Kyò, Stella McCartney und UGG Australia in ihren Warenkorb geladen hat. Seht selbst, was Lena für ihre Mädels bei uns geshoppt hat, lasst euch inspirieren und schwebt mit uns auf der Baby-Fashion-Wolke. …
Today we want to talk about beauty – and at the same time about charity. Is this possible? Just wait and see…
Actually another reason to directly become pregnant 🙂
The super stylish maternity fashion from the Dutch label Queenmum is way too good to be worn only during pregnancy.
So watch out expectant moms: …
Of course, you’ll not only find styling tips for children but also for us moms on kids-and-couture.
Most of the fashion industry has unfortunately still not yet understood, that being pregnant or getting a child does not at the same time to give up his own style and to wrap only in comfortable leisure stuff from now on.
Therefore we present really stylish maternity clothes in the following Sunday inspiration sessions, which you would like to wear as non-pregnant woman as well.
Today, it is the American pregnancy fashion label “HATCH”.
Today’s Sunday inspiration is especially for all moms and expectaning mothers, who often miss out due to the care for the dear little ones or preparing for the soon-to-be-born generation.
There now is MAMA SPA in Stuttgart.
Finally a Day Spa concept that addresses the needs of pregnant women and mothers with special, one-of-a-kind offerings.