Ever since Karl Lagerfeld’s famous statement “Who wears sweat pants has lost control of his life“, small and big fashionsts do not dare going outside in sweatpants.
Actually, that’s right, because the baggy look has really nothing to do outside on the street and should remain reserved for a cozy evening at home on the couch or for doing sports.
Even cooler that there is now a stylish new product that combines the cozy feeling of wearing sweatpants with the fashionable look of jeans:
We proudly present – the JOGG JEANS –
A casual cross between jogging pants and jeans. So it wears as cozy as the baggy sweatpants, but looks anything but unstylish .
The coolest pants, are of course by John Galliano for Kids
and, of course, you get them in our shop!
So hurry to get yours as long as it is still in stock, because these pants are going to be the favorite of your kids!
Shortly before Christmas we want to share some stylish and cute outfit ideas for little fashionistas with you which we have composed with items from our shop www.kidsandcouture.com
A dream in gold and navy blue by Chloé

- Navy blue cotton dress with flared skirt and golden details by Chloé
- Real Mini-Me shoes: the golden ballerina flats with shell shaped rim by Chloé
- Caramell hair clip that doesnt slip out of the hair (by kids-and-couture)

We are totally in love with the current summer collection “COCOA BEACH CRUSH” from the kids fashion label Marie-Chantal designed by Princess Marie-Chantal of Greece.
Pastell sorbet colors, soft fabrics and comfy designs make every piece a favorite item for little fashionsts.
You certainly find Marie-Chantal childrens fashion online in our webshop under Marie-Chantal
Eltern lieben ihre Kleinen – aber ebenso lieben sie ihren ganz eigenen Stil. Der Stokke Xplory True Black ist ein neues, limitiertes Modell, mit dem Eltern ganz kindgerecht ein Designstatement setzen.

Der Mix aus schwarzem Metall und Stoff ergibt ein aufregendes Wechselspiel, das cool und elegant zugleich ist.
Passend dazu launcht Stokke ein exklusives Style Kit. Das Textilset „Black and White Stripes“ im grafischen Schwarz-Weiß Look verleiht allen Stokke Xplory Modellen noch mehr Individualität.
Wir sind total begeistert und finden, das der Xplory True Black super zu unseren schwarz-weißen Fashion-Teilen passt.

Passend dazu:

Strampler: Rykiel Enfant

Longsleeve mit Dalmatiner: Rykiel Enfant

Strumpfhose mit Schleife: Rykiel Enfant

Shorts: Patrizia Pepe Kids

Blazer: Patrizia Pepe Kids

Dear readers, it´s part of our job to keep an eye on the latest fashion trends (not the worst part of course 😉 and today we discovered a fantastic trend that will sure escort us through the next months! The German fashion magazine In Style – whose editors really know what is en vogue among celebrities and their kids – are totally in love with the combination of denim and patches. And so are we! …