Kaum zu glauben, aber wahr…. aber unsere große Maus wurde tatsächlich bereits 5 Jahre alt.
Und was wünschen sich fünfjährige Mädchen als Geburtstagsmotto? Na klaaaar, es soll eine Einhorn-Party mit allem drum und dran sein.
Zugegeben, ich liiiiiiiebe Kindergeburtstage mit allen Vorbereitungen, der Dekoration und den leuchtenden Kinderaugen. Daher freute ich mich umso mehr, dass es relativ easy umzusetzen war 😉


2015 it was a real baby boom year among our friends. Nearly once a month I opened the letter box and found a new birth announcement. And every time I was overwhelmed and more than happy, but also there was one big question:
What should I send as a little gift?

Not long ago we discovered two really great shops on Dawanda (yes, that´s this page where you can spend hours and hours without getting bored)
Hintz & Töchter and Colibri Kinderlifestyle had the best idea of all: Bracelets with names!
They are so adorable, that we didn´t only order some for all the newborns in our circle of friends, but also for Philippa and Allegra, our young Kids-and-couture-team members.

Both of them love their bracelets and we think that they are definitely the perfect little present for every occasions ♥
Actually I am an avowed and ardent advocate of individuality and the fact that we as parents – despite new family members – may and should hold to our lifestyle and our habits – as well this just goes .
And this of course, especially for holidays!

Thus, we actually spent the previous holidays since our daughter was born like we did before:
- very far away,
- in stylish accommodations as we like it and
- without special kids focus.
Actually the mere idea of spending one of our next vacations in a ” family hotel ” got my rather laughing than in holiday mood, because if one thing was for sure it was that we never gonna end up making holidays in a hotel full of blaring kiddies, with plastic tablecloths in the restaurant and no style.
Actually , ….

Passend zur Einhorn-Party unserer großen Prinzessin durfte natürlich die entsprechende Einhorn-Torte nicht fehlen. Die Inspiration dazu fand ich im Blog von Tabimbi, allerdings war mir nach einem anderen Torteninhalt für die Kids.
Daher findet ihr mein Rezept für die Einhorn-Torte hier: …