Education , Gifts, Kids room, Games & Fun

Sunday Inspiration: Mhhhh, jamjam!

by on June 16th 2013 Tags: ,

CollageMhhh, this is looking delicious! But stop, don´t taste!

These awesome sweets are not real: In fact they are crocheted toys. These low-calorie tartlets, which are popular among children all over the world, are made in Småland in Sweden, home of famous writer Astrid Lindgren.

The woman behind this great idea is Emelie Högstedt, a Swede who is living in Zürich. Besides cakes and cupcakes, she is selling food as hamburgers, tomatoes, eggs, caviar and beverages in her online shop “Swedishness” and also sneakers for babys – all crocheted of course!

How did she come up with the idea? The mother of a small boy told us in the interview.

Games & Fun

Label Lovelies on Tuesday: Grow Bikes – My bike is growing with

by on April 9th 2013 Tags: ,



Grow bike by Orbea – a bike which individually grows with the child! Grow bike means freedom for parents and children and provides a unique driving experience of the nursery school age. “With this vision in mind, we have developed grow bikes”, so developer and designer Alex Fernandez. The grow bike is built, to a child longer than just one or two years to accompany a high quality product. Its unique concept, the bike keeps twice as long as others.

Gifts, Games & Fun

Sunday Inspiration: Victoria Beckham’s Vintage Toys

by on March 10th 2013 Tags: , ,

Not only Victoria Beckham thinks the vintage toys from her own childhood to too cute.

Also I do get glowing eyes, when Pippa is playing with the old Fisher Price phone from my childhood which my parents have kept so carefully. Even after so many years, it is still in good shape to play with.

Games & Fun

Sunday Inspiration: simply cool toys

by on February 24th 2013 Tags: , ,

We’re thrilled about the cool toys from Donkey Products !

My First Laptop or My First Smartphone ….. simply a doozie!!

Fashion, Games & Fun

Helau and Alaaf: Cowboy or Princess?

by on February 8th 2013 Tags: ,


Tätärä!  The fifth season is here and especially the kids are going wild. One of the reasons next to the candy why kids love Carnival is, of course, the greet feeling to take on a different role to play. Therefore, the question is always particularly important which is the right costume for the little ones: “How I dress myself?”

Classic kids costumes like cowboy and Indians remain favorite costumes for children’s Carnival.

Yet, in the past few years also other costumes could win a place in the charts. We have put together a little costume hitlist with some of this season’s most favorite costumes for you and you can find really great costumes here.