Games & Fun

Playground session on the slide

by on September 19th 2012 Tags: ,

THE perfect place to get rid of excess energy? THE PLAYGROUND!!!

Pippas favorite is the slide. She bravely jumps down the slide with head first and enjoys her slide.

the wilder, the better!

Gifts, Pregnancy & Birth, Games & Fun

Hatched – the big push from pregnancy to motherhood

by on September 14th 2012 Tags: , ,

One of the ultimate moodlifter, an ideal gift for a babyshower or a soon-to-be-mom in the endphase of pregnancy, is Sloane Tanen’s book HATCHED – the big push from pregnancy to motherhood.

With cute little yellow toy chicks she re-enacts funny everyday situations of an expecting mother which are killingly funny.

Education , Kids room, Games & Fun

Little doll mommy

by on September 12th 2012 Tags: , ,

Since Stella got her new  Baby Born doll from Zapf Creation she is in 7th doll’s mommie heaven. She is feeding, cudling and caring for the doll all the time. What seems to be trivial to us, matters a lot to kids. Still today the doll is a very important toy. Our kids – no matter if girl or boy – undergo uncountable highs and lows with it and can train their soft skills in terms of empathy and social intelligence.

Education , Games & Fun

Education Tip: Handling money

by on September 9th 2012 Tags: , , ,

Sooner or later every parent will get to the moment when it is time to teach your child how to handle money, that money doesn’t grow on trees, things cost a amount of money and savings aren’t endless.  This understanding cannot be taught over night and is rather an continuing process of understanding.

A friend of mine, also mother, had a brilliant idea how to make this process tangible and understandeable. Coming to the favorite playground of our district, her lovely daughters (4 and 7 years old) had set up a little sales booth where they sold selfmade cupcakes and ice tea.

Beauty, Games & Fun

My first love is… CHANEL

by on September 6th 2012 Tags: , , ,

How could it be anything less than mom’s CHANEL nail polish?