It´s still two weeks till Christmas – only two weeks we must say, because we have to admit, that we don´t have bought any gifts until today. Ahhhh! But, hey don´t panic! At least we already have some ideas for really nice presents. Perhaps it´s some inspiration for you, too. …
Mhhhh, yummy! Now it´s getting tasty, because we are presenting another part of our series “The perfect mother-child-café”. This time we are visiting Isa and Claudia from the fantastic blog “Hauptstadtmutti” in their hometown Berlin. They show us their favourite place: A Portuguese paradise in Prenzlauer Berg.
Oh my god, Christmas is coming soon and this means that we are going to have a crazy time running through the shops to find the perfect present. Stop! We are smarter this year and try to think about the presents, before we leave the house to make sure that we don´t come back with this: Presents for friends and family: Zero! “Presents” for ourselves: Five! We just need some inspiration. No problem! Here we go! …
It´s never too early to get in contact with beautiful design! Who claims this? Hmm… To be honest: We do, because we need an excuse to buy these wonderful elephant-chairs by Eames. …
Pippa is in nursery school now and her very first day was a real event. To be honest: Mom and Da were even more excited than their daughter, but hey.. it´s totaly understandable. Because it was a special occassion, Pippa wore one of her favorite dresses.