Gifts, Games & Fun
Sunday Inspiration: Eat it!
by Marie-Charlotte on September 15th 2013 Tags: birthday cake, Geburtstagskuchen, Harrods
Don´t these cakes look fantastic? We discovered them on our last trip to London at Harrods.
Don´t these cakes look fantastic? We discovered them on our last trip to London at Harrods.
“Mommy, daddy, can you buy me a rabbit and a horse?”
“But darling, where should we have them?”
“Right here, in my room!” …
Aren´t they adorable? Little animals made out of leather – who can say no to them?! …
For the Jubilee initiative “40 years of love, sleep & play” Pampers has asked mommies and daddies to share the most beautiful “good morning” moments from their small sunshines per video post on a Facebook app.
The cutest scenes have now been gatheredd for the video to the Pampers ‘Good morning’ song “sleep well, good humoured” compiled by Barbara Schöneberger. You can see the finished clip on the Pampers Channel on Youtube or in the “good morning” app on the Pampers Facebook page.
And of course here on 🙂
On Facebook there are of course many more around the birthday action and even more sweet video and photo contributions from cuddly bundle of joy.
Look – this is good mood anyway 😉
Wow! Aren´t these shoes just gorgeous?