Was für eine zauberhafte Idee, um den familiären Sommerurlaub noch ein wenig abwechslungsreicher zu gestalten:
Nicht, dass das AALERNHÜS, friesisch für Elternhaus, in Sankt Peter-Ording eh schon die perfekte Location für eine sommerliche Auszeit wäre.
Neben Sonne, Wellness, kulinarischen Köstlichkeiten und einem zwölf Kilometer langer Strand sorgt ein vierbeiniger Freund auf Zeit für Unterhaltung und Abwechslung. …
Actually I am an avowed and ardent advocate of individuality and the fact that we as parents – despite new family members – may and should hold to our lifestyle and our habits – as well this just goes .
And this of course, especially for holidays!

Thus, we actually spent the previous holidays since our daughter was born like we did before:
- very far away,
- in stylish accommodations as we like it and
- without special kids focus.
Actually the mere idea of spending one of our next vacations in a ” family hotel ” got my rather laughing than in holiday mood, because if one thing was for sure it was that we never gonna end up making holidays in a hotel full of blaring kiddies, with plastic tablecloths in the restaurant and no style.
Actually , ….
Von schlicht bis bunt und von knallig bis dezent, die aktuelle Bademode für kleine Fashionzwerge bietet für jeden Geschmack etwas. Designer wie Stella McCartney Kids, Mini Rodini, John Galliano oder Aston Martin schmücken ihre Kollektionen mit Bademode in tollen frischen Mustern und Details wie Rüschen. Sei es an der Nordsee oder am Beach von Miami, mit den trendigen Beachteilen haben die Kids überall ihren Spaß.

The reinvention of the sailor’s style. Adorable, maritime summer dresses, pants, hats and shoes by brands like Il Gufo, Armani, Aston Martin or Catya gets us immediately in vacation mood and make us instantly feel fresh ocean air. …

Spending the summer on a three weeks roadtrip through the USA? Flying to Copenhagen for a weekend in autumn? Together with the whole family, including the kids? Is this possible? A question we were discussing a lot in the last weeks among friends because several of them we wondering if they could manage to do that.
We came to the conclusion: Yes, it´s possible! Definitely! And it seems as if we aren´t the only ones who think so.
The Dutch company Joolz – one of our favourite stroller manufacturers – created a new limited edition for families who like to travel a lot. It´s called Joolz Day Discovery and looks very nice. Of course we wanted to find out more about it. …