Fashion, Lifestyle, Mini-Me Styling

Throw-back-Thursday: Fashion Check Frequent TravellerBaby

von am October 17th 2013 Tags: , ,

Fall time is travelling time – little sweetheart does not renounce on her style when travelling! 

Pippa loves travelling and does so a lot in order to see other cities, friends or grandparents. In the meantime she’s been even awarded with the Frequent Traveller Status with only almost 2 years old.

However we would have awarded her anyway as she looks just too cutely cosmopolitan.

Little dress in Nova-Check pattern: Burberry

Duffle-Coat: Bout d’Chou

Leather suitcase: Louis Vuitton

Booties: Zara Baby


  1. SiBa says:

    Wow – kleine Stylo-Lady 🙂

  2. Hannah says:

    Der Duffle-Coat ist ja wohl herzallerliebst!

    Wo bekommt man den her?
    Was meint ihr: ein Bub könnte den doch auch tragen!?

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